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Month in Review

I guess I started work at about age 12, maybe 10. Sunday paper routes, washing dishes, office cleaning, fruit stand, delivery man, repair man, cook, salesman, construction, you name it. My parents worked all the time. In their marriage they owned 2 restaurants, a catering business and always held a full time job. It was inevitable for them to go into business together, since as children, they shared the same outhouse. My Dad loves telling the story of their Honeymoon night, when he tried to blow out the lightbulb in their Florida Sweet 'force of habit'. And like them, with all my jobs, I never stopped dreaming of owning my own business......... Now I do........

I've just spent 3 weeks, 7 days a week, 12 to 14 hour days, hunched in a number of well houses, damp wet and loaded with bugs, retrofitting pipe. The Department of Environmental Protection required our newest company to be modified for compliance and gave us a deadline. At the end of my torcherous experience we passed and exceeded standards. Yahoo! Meanwhile, we had 3 water line breaks, monthly sampling, routine duties, service calls, monthly meter reading and billing, equipment to repair, lawns to mow, truck repairs and meetings to be had. Sometimes I wish I never gave up that paper route. But in retrospect, and for healthy thinking, I always remind myself, and with the help of NPR, of how very fortunate I am not to be suffering like so so many are, at this very moment.

I see it was a pretty busy month in the blog. Sandra, you reminded me I missed my niece's birthday again June 27th, ( she reminds me every year ). Sid, we've conversed in Email and I still think summer sausage would be a great way to hold us over until winter, if not I definitely would like a copy of the psychology paper on trading. Bopcha, I briefly tried to find usuable sheet music online for the ' Johnnycake Man ', since I would like a copy of it to play on my guitar. I'll keep working on it. You know, my late Aunt Catherine was nurse for a woman in Devon PA. who obtained wealth thru show horses, unitl she passed away, ( moved on Diana ;-) ). She left most of her fortune to her cats as well. I can't remeber the woman's name. I'll find out. Speaking of cats my ex-dog Daisy is happy as can be and living with Rex, neither are fixed, so if anyone reading this wish for a pure bread toy jack russell terrier it a may be just a matter of time. We've had new animal additions to the house this month, Colleen my girlfriend now has Freido, Sonny, Tom and Vito, button quale's. She wants to have baby quale's, which I will admit are so tiny and cute and I kid her "delicious as well."

Anyway best to all and I hope I am not so busy this August so to write more.


.............As for all the hubbub about Friday the Thirteenth, I was born on a Friday the Thirteenth and we'll leave it at that


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