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A youthful 59 years old

Hello Diana,

Happy Birthday to one of the most wonderful people I know. You are a truly youthful and sage (of course) 59 years old. It sounds like you are having a wonderful birthday. And I would have loved to see that documentary on the Memphis music scene especially after having been there last summer. It would be so much more meaningful.

It sounds like you are truly powering through your exercise routine Bopcha. That is wonderful!

Spinning is certainly a crazy super intense work out. I would say it is one of the most intense workouts around. When I first started I felt like I was dying. I did not understand how anyone could possibly spin their legs around so so fast. Now I just feel like I am going to faint. :-)

That story about Kay crumbler made me laugh. Kay is really funny and I can relate to her story. In fact I feel like everytime I try to make any kind of cake or dessert with apples, it turns out to be a disaster.

Nina is going to be in a High School musical which she begged me to go and see her. The performance is going to be at 10:30am. I had to change some meetings around so that I could see her. I know that I am inconveniencing a few "important" people but I figured, the memory of Nina dancing and singing around the stage will be more meaningful to me in the future than some meeting about the endless departmental problems.

I will have to close for now but will let you all know how Nina does in her performance.




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