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The joys of logistics

Hello All,

Just think there are people who manage travel details and logistics for a living. Wow there is a job I could never do. It is truly insane at times. I have been trying to rent a car. Renting a car in August is always a challenge. I like the way the rental companies always claim they are out of the economy cars :-)

I guess, being that it is summer, perhaps it's true that they are out of cars. Well after much a do I finally got something that we can drive out of Portland and actually return in Corvallis. That will be convenient.

On Saturday evening our power went out, so naturally we had to find something to do so that we did not sit in a 200 degree apt with no electricity. I vaguely remembered that there was a Shakespeare Performance at a local park. We walked over to the Clark Park and indeed at 7pm sharp, a performance of Romeo and Juliet. There were many people gathered around on picnic blankets sitting in the grass, with their wine and food. Of course we just brought ourselves and sat on the grass. It was really enjoyable and a nice break from the routine. It took loosing electricity to get us out to the park. Hmmm.

We all look forward to our trip to Oregon. Nina and Alex seem particularly excited.

See you all soon.




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