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Review of the past few days

Today is Sunday, the 12th. It is so nice to glance up from the computer to see my atomic clock and determine what day it is, what time it is, the temperature outside, 71°. and the temperature inside, 69°. Oh, I should tell you it is 2:28 p.m., but I think that is alread

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This morning Sid and I went to see Aunt Martha. She was not in and they said she had gone to the Scandinavian (sp?) Festival, so we parked at Bi-Mart and walked down to see if we could find her. When we got back to her residence, she was home, but yes, she had gone to the Festival, walking all the way, to hear some group that sings there year after year. Aunt Martha looked well, and was very cheerful and delighted to see us. She gave us one of her l o n g cucumbers to take home and Sid ate the other ll o n g cucumber on the spot.

I'm getting ahead of myself--Sid and Sandra arrived in the wee hours Thursday, August 9.

The Parsons, with the little ones, Nina and Alex, arrived the l0th. During one of Sidl's tours around town, he found a pogo stick. It was so much fun watching the family try to ride it!!!! They haven't succeeded as of this writing. Kay used to bounce up and down on the pogo stick. I hadn't seen one in years. I wish I had a camera handy to record the delight in seeing George, and Sid try to make it go.

On the way back we , Sid and I, stopped at a garage sale. Sid got a croquet set and some tools. Garage sales are so much fun and so hard to pass by. I'm out of space so good-by for now. Love, Bopcha


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