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Hello, Joe

I have been trying to tell you how nice it was to hear from you. Each time, something eats up the note I have written and it vanishes. I will try again. The third time should be the charm!

Oregon State University does research on game birds in Oregon. Quail is one of their interests. I was given a dozen of the eggs the quails

had laid. I sent the eggs to Kay to hatch in her little incubator. Lo, and behold, some hatched. I don't remember how many, but the little rascals escaped. So that is the quail story I have been trying to tell you. Good luck to you and your friend on the quail population. They are cute. They used to run around here in town, but the cat population has increased so no more quail. I do see them running across the road when I drive out to the farm.

Your story about the business was very interesting. I enjoyed it. Sid is here but will be leaving this coming Monday. I hope I can pursuade him to let me drive him to the airport in Portla nd.

Love, Bopcha


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