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Lots of Wasabi

Hello all,

Diana and Bill so generously offered to take us to dinner. So off we went to the new Japanese restaurant in town. It is impressive. It looks like the place is very lively - full of patrons.

Nice to see business is booming.

One of the more impressive things that happened is when Bopcha tasted the wasabi. As I warned her that she was about to taste something really really hot, she put a chunk of it in her mouth. Can you imagine. If you have ever tried wasabi, you know that a dot of the stuff can be too much. Amazingly enough Bopcha drank some water and she seemed to recover rather quickly. We don't think any of us could have handled it.

The food was excellent. Sid and I had our fill of sushi. The others decided to not go with the raw fish option. They also had excellent food.

Will write more about our trip later.




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