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Bopcha - Still missing in action... Sigh

Since Bopper is recovering from the visit by Diana and Kay - AKA "The Chick Killer". I will take this opportunity to quote Nietzsche.. Sister Judi points out that this is third year undergraduate work, but what the heck, It's just so darn enjoyable. :0)

Nihilism is at our door: whence comes this most gruesome of all guests? - To begin with, it is a mistake to point to "social evils", "psychological degeneration", or even to corruption as a cause of Nihilism. This is the most straightforward and most sympathetic age that ever was. Evil, whether spiritual, physical, or intellectual, is in itself, quite unable to introduce Nihilism, i.e., the absolute repudiation of worth, purpose, desirability. These evils allow of yet another and quite different explanations. But there is one very definite explanation of the phenomena: Nihilism harbors in the heart of Christian morals.



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