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Getting ready for the 4th

I have just taken possession of the title for our new (new used that is) Porsche. Heh Heh. Sandra is in Chicago with her mother exploring the windy city I have been left behind with a bunch of "honey do's" so it looks like my weekend is occupied. For those of us who have lived in Chicago here is a story that will bring back memories of big city Life.

Sandra had her purse stolen while sitting in a coffee shop, The thief was observed by some of the Mexican help who immediately gave chase yelling at the top of their lungs. As they ran down the street they yelled in Spanish for help with their pursuit and were immediately joined by other Mexicans on the street who also gave chase. The criminal dropped the purse and fled for his life but not without getting $10 her license and Amex card. the Mexicans made sure she was alright and refused to take any money for their efforts, saying they just did what anyone would do. I say BRAVO!!. Needless to say Sandra is ready to open the borders.

All right Noah, It seems a bit strange that your car breaks down just outside of one of the largest party schools in the U.S. Hmmmmm. Well I hope your ankle heals quickly... wait a minute that sounds like a there was a great deal of dancing going on. Hmmmmm

That's all for now. I hope everyone has a great 4th.



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