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News from Nebraska

Hi Family - I have a computer but no internet connection from my little house, at least for most part. The kids "unplug" the modem so they can get a faster internet connection and that unplugs me as well. Sigh. I found this little laptop here at work. It was available and I leapt upon it so I could catch up on family news. I talk to Bopcha most evenings so I'm aware that Sandra's been going through a major health struggle. Good luck Sandra!! You are in Tom's and my thoughts a lot. We hope you are well on your way to full recovery. I'm heading back to the Springs this afternoon for my semi-monthly visit with my husband, the ranch, and the hounds. It's been working out ok, the job here I mean, but it would be far more satisfactory to be able to go home every night. I plan to go to the NW for TG week. Tory plans to host Tom and me--and all the family members we can gather in her little house--on Sunday or Monday of TG week, depending on what our flight arrangements turn out to be. Then Tom and I will drive south to spend Bopcha's birthday and TG with Bop and however many of the family will be there. It all sounds absolutely delicious to me!!! Sending you all my love, KC


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