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7 November 2007

Let's see. Its been so long since my last entry, these are my sins.....:-) Hey everyone reading this, the last time I wrote in the journal it got deleted before going to print, so if I miss some edits, like this run-on sentence, and any other unpleasantries, please excuse me. I take that you did not find the glitch yet Sid?

Hello Bopcha and all,

I am up to 9 doves a cooing and 6 qual a crowing now. My gal Colleen made a great deal with a bird dealer who specializes in 'exotic' doves. She bought 6 silky doves for the price of 3. Personally, I think he just wanted to thin out his own flock. He overnighted the little things in the mail. That sent me in a tangent to build the biggest fast bird cage ever, and get them critters downstairs in the basement, so they and I would be happy. It came out really nice, especially for me since I do not know much about building birdcages.

Besides the birds, its been work as usual. Some excitement did take place with an inquiry to operate another wastewater plant. We are also getting inquiry for a new Rite Aid drug store in town and a new school, both projects wishing us to provide public water. I hope all this growth hurries while my back can still hold up.

We're finally getting a few snow flakes up here in the Pocono's, but I hear it will be 60 degrees next week again. The deer are starting to run, its rutt season. My son Matt, got blindsided write in the door of his truck last week. From the size of the dent, I wish that deer played for the Philadelphia Eagles.

Well everyone I hope to write again before Thanksgiving.

Wishing All the Best.



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