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Thanksgiving WarmUp at Tory's Place

Aunt Kay, Aunt Diana, Uncle Bill, Tory, Nikole, Murray, Tom, and I all feasted on some spectacular food at Tory's house. Anticipating oral surgery in a couple days, Tory outdid herself with a selection of delicious dishes worthy of a fancy restaurant, including an extremely deliciouis and BIG turkey. Nikole and Murray both helped make the meal a success by helping out in the kitchen, even preparing some of the dishes, as did Aunt Kay and Aunt Diana. I helped make some cornbread from scratch (!!!) the day before. Tory's little place looked spectacular and handled the small crowd easily. She purchased furniture that serves her guests in a variety of ways--and looks elegant to boot. It was such a fabulous Thanksgiving feast that all Tory's guests ended up confused and dismayed that the next day was Monday and not a post-Thanksgiving Day Friday!!


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