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Hello Again

Yes who is that young man with the Afro? Certainly is noticeable isn't it? Those are good photos.

Well as you probably heard there is a change of plan with my travels. This year is proving to be a very challgenging year with my share of health issues. After much evaluation and the realization of what my work schedule will be like the first week of January, we decided that perhaps traveling for me at this point is not such a wise idea. I am sad that I won't be visiting all of you and I would have also enjoyed being in Oregon during the Christmas season for a change of pace.

So it looks like Sid and I will be on different coasts this year for Christmas. It should be interesting. :-)

As you may already know, my family has a tradition of eating different fish dishes on Christmas Eve. So that is what we will be doing. Sid and I had actually entertained the idea of having a little touch of that tradition in Oregon. But now I am not so sure if that will happen. One year we will definitely have the all out fish tradition on a Christmas Eve in Oregon. It is something worth living through at least once.

So what is everyone up to for this holiday period? Diana, it sounds like you will be traveling to Coravallis. I am so sorry that I won't get to see you and Bill. I wish I were having a better year and things were going more smoothly for me.

I am wishing for a better 2008 - but who knows what each year will bring right. Good health is really all I wish you for.

Take good care everyone and I will write in again soon.


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