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Well as usual, I find it impossible to load a picture to Bopcha's blog. I think Sid did something that locks me out. Is that possible Sid???? Makes me crazy--which is probably the purpose of the plot. Meanwhile, I have a picture in the media library that illustrates the weather conditions for the races last Saturday. There was about 4 inches of fresh powder. The dog in the picture is a friend's sloughi. I couldn't take pictures of the borzoi because they were all in the same race. Handling Tornado and Nitro, one in each hand at the start line, is a true test of one's strength and balance, even without having to stand on packed powder. Handling a camera too would be impossible, even for intrepid me.

I'll bet Sid misses Sandra, but probably not half as much as the family who must take him "straight" without any leavening from Sandra's presence. Be strong Bop!!

For some reason, I'm able to access the blog today from my computer at work. A truly rare instance.

I sure enjoyed seeing the pictures of Noah and his afro, the snap of the gatherer's at Dee's Christmas party, and Bop at the coast. Reading the notes is fun as well. I don't get to read the blog very often, especially since my landlord keeps disconnecting the router than enables me to access the internet from my little house. Ah well. At least the rent isn't very high. Soon (Thursday PM after work) I start the 600 mile drive back to Tom and the ranch. It will be truly wonderful to be home again. Love, KC.

Grrrr.. you're messing with me Thomps :-)


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