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Thank you, Joe, for the update on your family and your new project. I read that Sid is headed

up your way. YES, more sausages would be delightful! I don't get to the Library very often and that is why I have not responded to your comments as quickly as I should. Today it is hot outside and the Library is COOL. I work, can you believe it. at what they call The Gleaners. That is a place that provides free food for people who are hard up, and who cannot earn a living anymore. I put in two hours each Friday and four hours twice a month. It is interesting and the work isn't hard. I break down cardboard boxes for recycling, open plastic bags for other members to fill with frozen goods. In exchange, I get a week's supply of groceries.

Your family's activities really interest me. I hope your daughter can pursue higher education at Penn, and what a great opportunity for your son to learn "the business". Best wishes also

to you and to the soldier in your family.


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