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Blakney News of a Random Sort

Jessica looked fabulous as a bridesmaid at her roommate's wedding last weekend. The dress was a cocktail length hot pink satin strapless frock with an orange sash. Luckily, the bride was so beautiful that Jessica did not take the guests' attention away from the true focus of the event.

Noah has been benched by the team doctor. The MRI of his ankle showed residual swelling and bone bruising and the doctor wants it to heal a little more since we aren't into the season yet. The doc said he would let Noah play if it were the middle of the season. Noah is not happy, but he is compliant. In the meantime, he is going to PT twice a week, his acupuncturist once a week, his chiropractor every few weeks, his team doctor every few weeks, and his podiatrist/ankle doctor every few weeks. Eeeeeeek!

We have a new front-loading washer and dryer as of last Monday. (Our washing machine died shortly after the van died). They are as cool as advertised. I swear that Noah's grungy socks are truly cleaner now.

Benita/Bettye/Gabrielle and Loren are now in Albany, NY. Her new appointment seems to be going well. Michael is going to stay at Cleveland Clinic for at least another year. He will be making a real doctor's salary at last, so he should be able to see his family regularly.

We will be going to Cousin Marcia's service on the 29th of July. Then we will head to Corvallis to see Sid and Sandra and Bopcha. The summer is really flying by!

Love to all,



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