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Sharing Photos

Hello Everyone,

It's been really nice to share all the photos, seems there has been an increase in photos being posted. Great way to stay in touch when you are across the country. Tory and Murray, I hope you really enjoyed your birthday and hope you are feeling younger than ever :-)

Bopcha, I really liked that photo of you sitting with Nina and Alex. I know this sounds silly but there is almost something "greeting card like" about it. All three of you look great and very natural. I hear you are having snow in Oregon in the morning. I am sort of jealous because we have had no snow here at all. In fact it hasn't been like winter at all. I don't love the cold but having all this warm weather in the middle of winter doesn't feel quite right and I hear is not the healthiest thing in the world. I sort of miss a little snow. Sid says he is enjoying all this warm weather.

Thanks everyone for your promotions of Rambo. I ended up enjoying it even though I was unsure I would like it. Has anyone seen any other movies that seem worthwhile. Diana, I know you mentioned Juno. I would like to see that. Don't know yet how Sid feels about it.

Anyway, it's Superbowl night and Sid is watching the game intently and I am watching with many interruptions. I am doing a million other things as I "watch" the game. No superbowl parties for us. The parties is a big thing on the East Coast, don't know if it's the same on the West Coast. I imagine it is.

I will sign off for now, and write more in a few days. Hope you are all well and happy.

With affection,



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