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We have arrived

After a nine hour flight (4 hours on the tarmac) we have finally situated ourselves at the farm. The weather is magnificent!!! I washed and had the oil changed on the trusty pickup so it looks like we have our transportaion all organized :^) Tennesse was just a blast!! W have many stories to tell including how we got to meet George Jones in person!! Wow! at any rate Sandra is in the kitchen cooking a chicken - I think it's name was Fred (just kidding Kay)and I havemade a serious dent in mowing the front field. I hope all is well. Love Sid & Sandra


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Kay Daniels on :

Enjoyed my visit with Sid and Sandra & Bopcha last weekend but like some very rich sibling of mine, I wasn't able to take the entire week off to hang out. Sid, keep your eye on the chicken's water and most of all on Fred and Ginger. Judi is still working her heart out every day and they have bagged tons of garbage. Sandra, I need your bean recipe. I have been craving it every since you fixed it. Enjoy the farm and don't drive Bobcha crazy.

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