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Words Shared with grieving pet owners

Hello Everyone,

I have included some words that are shared with pet owners who loose their pets at the Veterinary Hospital. We actually have a Social Worker who runs a pet loss group. Here is the page I am referring to. I hope you will find it consoling KC and Tom and just know that there are lots of people who are going through the sadness of loosing a pet.

Well I've managed to get a terrible cough. This is the first time I've been sick this year. I had to stay at home in bed all day which I haven't had to do in a very long time. Sid was kind enough toi get me some powerful cough syrup. I hope everyone is doind really well. Bopcha, I hope you are feeling good and totally recovered from the surgery.

On Sunday, we are actually going out to dinner with Meredith. Her dad is flying in for a few days and they wanted to meet with us. That should be fun. It will be interesting to hear about what she is up to and what exactly she is doind at Nursing School.

I don't have too much to report. Work is crazy and there is never a dull moment. Even though I was home sick today, I ended up on work calls and work e-mails the entire day. I just could not avoid it without running into all kinds of "back up" that I don't want to deal with it later.

I will write more later in the week. Take care everyone.

Love to all,



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