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Bopcha, I am always so amazed how much you understate your own pain. What can I say, I am in an Italian family where drama is very much a part of getting your message across. I am accustomed to hearing my Grandma etc... talk about physical ailments in a very dramatic manner, no understatements going on in my family. If only you could all hear my family sometimes and of course understand whay they are saying (because it is usually screaming in Italian), I am sure it would bring some laughter.

I have to say when it comes to health, it always seems like healing takes more time than we expect. Bopcha, it sounds like you made so much progress, but you just need a little more time to get there all the way. I know I get really inpatient, as we all do when I am trying to get back to normal.

Well Nina and Alex sure do keep us entertained. The latest is that Nina got a a little snake as a pet. I may have mentioned how much she is fascinated with animals and is already talking about becoming a Veternarian. She will consider any kind of pet, even a snake. SO now they have birds and a snake. I know they really want a dog, but I think there is a lot of concern about the maintenance to keep a dog.

Alex claims that they should buy a house in Oregon because there "you don't need as many toys because you can play outside." He came up with this all on his own.

I hope everyone is well. Diana I hope you are recovered from your cold, flu etc... Again, it just seems to take time to recover when it comes to health issues. I am still recovering from my flu somewhat. Tom, we hope you are also doing well and feeling fairly back to normal. Hang in there.

Best to everyone,



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