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Pig's Ears, A Delicacy

Hello Everyone,

It was a project-oriented weekend. We grouted tiles, took trips to Loew's, cleaned, reconstructed, etc.... We were ambitious and thought we would get the entire laundry room done, but it went much slower than we expected, mostly because of the delays I caused - with my weekend cycling schedule. Sid, however, started working first thing on Sunday morning. Wouldn't it be nice to just pay people to do all these projects, and then you could just sit back and watch.

But on to the story of the pig's ears. In the midst of all the "fun" home projects (just a little sarcasm there), I decided to cook up the pig's ears that Sid bought at the Asian supermarket the other day. Sid actually finds such things appetizing, funny isn't it? I guess it's the Italian farming in my family, what they had to eat before they moved to the US. Food items such as this are not alien. I remember my grandmother stirring big old pots full of tomatoes, beans, onions, carrots and pigs' feet. The aromatic stew would cook for hours. In Europe, pigs feet, lamb brains, tongue - need I go on.... are still considered delicious and special treats. So I guess that eating pigs' ears makes us really sophisticated. Well, I guess my food tastes have become unsophisticated because I really don't have much desire to eat the body parts in that stew I cooked up. However, I think Sid will be enjoying it when he gets home. All that is needed is some nice crusty bread to compliment it.

I wish you all could join us, not sure if you all feel the same way. I think I personally will just eat the bread, and the beans, carrots and onions part of the dish. We'll be sure to report how it is.

Diana, I think that is pretty neat that you the basketball goddess, you have certainly earned it :-) :-) Oh and thanks for sending what looks like a life history from Sandy. Excuse my ignorance, but who is Sandy?

Best to all,




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