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Primitive ?

That is not a proper title but it is alll I could think of. I was referring to the previous discussion about pig ears. I grew up on a farm where pigs were our choice of meat, because it is what we raised. The sausage we made, oh so good, and the ham and bacon that Dad cured

and smoked lasted us all through winter and spring. OF COURSE, we enjoyed the feet, the legs, and Dad made little footballs from the bladder for us to play with. Dad also made leather from cow hides and used it to repair our shoes, and make shoestrings, and I'm sure many other uses that I just don't have time to list.

I was quite small during those early times, so I don't remember pigears in particular but I'm sure we had them.

I had my finger punched today to read my blood thinning medicine. It was 1.9 . You might as well get used to my telling you as that is one of the tests I take every three or four weeks. I have been doing it for almost four years now. It is supposed to read between 2. and 3. Now you know somewhat of what makes this person 'tick'. One.9 is a good figure although not quite 2.0.

Much love, Bopcha


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