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Alex's Birthday

Hello Everyone,

It certainly is hard to believe that Alex is six today. He has been asking about his birthday for weeks. Each day, he has asked him mommy "how many days until my birthday?" So they have been doing a count down for quite some time.

Then yesterday, he asked him mom "what time does my birthday start on Thursday?" He also asked his mom if he could bring cup cakes to school. He said he really wanted home made cup cakes, not the ones from the store. What a good Italian male, huh!

When my sister told him she wanted to have a little birthday party for him, he said he didn't want one because "he is too shy for that." He certainly keep us entertained.

All in all I think his birthday turned out okay today. At the moment, they are off to Nina's basketball game. Nina plays basketball for her school team and she is apparently enjoying it.

Who knows Diana, maybe one day you will be giving Nina some basketball advice.

Bopcha, I am glad to hear that your blood count was a good one (1.9). Thanks for your little recount of the good old days on the farm. You were very resourceful, and got many uses out of what you had - that really seems like a good way to be when it come right down to it.

So anyway, have you all been enjoying the "dirt" on Spitzer? Isn't it amazing how corrupt he really turns out to be?

I am going to try to catch up a little more on my work here, I am drowning in paperwork. I'll write more later.




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