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Bopcha's first attempt

I don't know how I got here, or if this will stay. I am sweating over my

endeavors to figure this out! Plus, it is a hot day outside. The library is

cool. So, what do I do now?I don't see SEND anywhere. I need more

instruction. Siiiiiiiid. heeeeeelp.


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Sid on :

Well done Bopcha.. You did it exactly right!

Sandra on :

Your attempts were quite successful. I may have Nina send you something on your blog. Undoubtedly, she will say something about chickens or other animals - that seems to be her passion.

Hope you are enjoying all your messages from everybody.



Diana on :

Mother! You did it!

I am at work eating oatmeal, raisins, and ground up flax seed. I was FORCED to add one packet of sugar as there weren't enough raisins.

It is so beautiful here today. Doris and I ran a mile this morning before we had to walk. Running may not be the proper description. Slogging along is more like it.

Took Noah to the team Dr. yesterday re: his ankle. The Dr. said Noah was "far from being rehabbed" and as soon as an x-ray rules out calcification or a fracture, he will probably send him somewhere for extensive physical therapy. He can still practice with the team in the meantime.

Jessica won a chip and dip bowl at some kind of drawing at work. What fun!

We are looking forward to the dog stuff this weekend.



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