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Easter morning

Good morning everyone and Happy Easter!

I am singing with the choir this morning so Bill and I are heading to church for the Easter breakfast after which I will desparately try to learn our song for the day. Luckily, I switched from alto to tenor a year or so ago and the music director's husband is a musician also so he stands next to me and sings exactly the right notes so I just memorize what he does. Lame, I know - but it kinda works.

Noah is going to church with us, but Jess can't cuz she has a brunch to attend. We are all getting together afterwards. Hopefully we can reach a consensus on a movie. Haley is spending Easter with her parents, and I'm guessing Gavin is doing the same.

Bill and I went to the mall yesterday and visited both kids while they were at work. While we were waiting for Noah to show up for his shift, one of his bosses sold me two skirts and a pair of earrings! I got Noah's discount so the price tag was pretty modest. I can't wear anything in Jessica's store. It is pretty much for the under 30 crowd, although my really skinny friend Diane got something there the other day.

Bill and I have to bring a fruit dish for the Easter breakfast. We bought strawberries and kiwi. Should be tasty. I tested the combo by making it for Jess for her lunch for work yesterday. She gave it a heads up.

Don't ever try what I did the other day. I got a random recipe off the internet and the inventor of the recipe said it was so-o-o good that all his friends just loved it. Ha! It was cream cheese, pineapple, garlic and onion powder. It was so weird tasting that when I took it to a meeting at church along with some crackers nobody took a second taste! Embarrassing to say the least!

Love to all,



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