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I never knew Diana was a singer - I am impressed and you even sing with the church choir. Your story about the recipe made me laugh. I can relate to that feeling of having a recipe not be so popular. It's not a good feeling but it happens to all of us.

On Easter, we mostly just did - you'll never guess what. We ate!! My mother prepared Easter dinner and as is the usual custom, we had two course. First we ate pasta and then came the lamb. We all tried to not eat too excessively because it is an awful feeling to eat too much and be so full. But what can I say the tradition is overeating. At least this time around I could move after the meal.

Nina and Alex came to visit me at the Veterinary Hospital yesterday. They got to see how much it is set up like a human hospital - with all the medical equipment, etc...Nina always wants to come and visit me here because she says she wants to be a Vet and she likes to see them in action. She is now completely fascinated with the dogs. She seemed to fall in love with a three-legged lab. Then she talked about rescuing a dog from a shelter. Amazingly, after her their visit, she called me and said that she wanted to donate $50.00 to the Vet Hospital. I can not believe that she wants to donate money from her little supply of money she has received from various birthday gifts etc... Sid thought she might want to save the money for her tuition. Well considering the cost of college tuition will probably be half a million by then, it might not be such a bad idea.

The kids got a tour of the new imagining center that has been built at the hospital. They were fascinated by the fact that a lion from the zoo had just been brought in a few days before to be radiographed and operated on. The lion is doing jsut fine now.

Looks like Noah is doing a good job in school. Getting an A is always commendable.

Bopcha, thanks for your report on the baseball team. Very disappointing behavior indeed, isn't it?




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