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I DROVE to the farm and as I WAS going down the hill I saw Mr. Skunk in the chicken yard, the big portion. All the chickens were in the small portion of the chicken yard. Skunk was busy digging in the ground, I think for beetles, or maybe earthworms. IT SHOWED no alarm at my presence and I was not brave enough to go in the chicken yard and chase him out!

I did note his extremely fluffy tail, and that it was sort of off-color indicating that skunk was a senior and probably deaf or maybe sort of blilnd. I went to the house to get Judi and when we returned it was gone. Then we saw it walking across the field and finally into the woods.

Judi says the day before it was in front of her car and although she honked and revved the engine, it did not move until it was good and ready.

KC said, because skunks are really a night animal, it might have rabies. So Judi called the animal control people and they said there was no epidemic of rabies in this locality so far, so I guess we will just have to get along with it. The cat follows it but does not get too close.

We'll just have to be sure it doesn't get locked up in the chicken house overnight.

Love, Bopcha


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