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Beavers lost today

The score was 6 Stanford 4 Beavers. Diana and Bill went to the game and just called in and told me. Judi was here this morning but left shortly after 12 noon. KC is in Oklahoma. I am waiting for her to call in and tell me the score for her dogs. Also Tom is in California with his dogs and will be calling in soon I presume.

How is the bathroom business going?

Tomorrow is my Boniva day. I HAVE to get up, take my one pill with a glass of water, and not eat anything, no coffee, nothing but water, for an hour. And I can't lie down, or go back to bed. I need to sit up or walk, or stand up. This is so my bones will be nice and strong for the remainder of my life! It is so hard to do. When I get up I reach for a cup of coffee first thing so on my Boniva day I must go without the coffee and have plain water instead. Whine! Whine!

Diana showed me how to access the JAPAN movie. It was very entertaining. I enjoyed it.

It is 75° outside on the kitchen porch right now and 78° in the house!!! I'm so smart with the ° signs. I'll bet not many others know them.

Love, Bopcha

I love it--Nina getting a DOG.


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