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Welcome to Little "Storm"

Hello Everyone,

Well after a relentless day of working on the bathroom project, we headed to New Jersey to visit the Parson's. We got to see their new little collie. He is very handsome. He is gray and white, and has some black fur mixed in. He seems to be really sweet, as collies usually are I guess. His coloring has earned him the name "storm."

Nina and Alex are overjoyed. Nina says that now she has a little friend to greet her after school. And since Alex is so little(even for his age) it appears that Storm thinks Alex is a puppy or a toy or something of that sort because he plays with him differently than he does with everyone else.

My sister also says that having the dog around sort of gives her a break because the kids are so absorbed in playing with Storm. It is quite a nice addition to the family. Although the added responsibility can't be denied, it seems to be one that benefits everyone. Apparently, Nina and Alex are more motivated to be neater and clean up after themselves now that they have a dog. My sister set that condition beforehand. Not to mention that Nina was so focused on getting a dog that she couldn't seem to think about much else. She tells us all that she wants to be a Veterinarian and that it is very important for her to have a dog in order to prepare her for that.

Welll I guess I've babbled on long enough about Storm. Sid and I have been working hard on redoing the little bathroom. I can certainly see why you would hire outside contractors to do these things. But of course the cost of contractors is enough to scare us away from going that route. There is something gratifying about doing the work, or I should say seeing the end result. It is almost like being an artist and seeing the final painting after hours of effort. But the road to the end is tough. Needless to say we are looking forward to finishing - but then again are you ever finished with home projects.

Work is crazy as usual. The cases that are coming up keep really busy and keep me "scratching my head" thinking now what?

I could write a book - a collection of employee relations cases - that would be entertaining indeed. Well maybe it would be entertaining.

Well we will be out there soon. Strangely enough, I don't mind if it is cool drizzly weather out there when we come because I like that kind of weather - it is rather soothing.

Hope Diana and Bill are having a nice time in Corvallis this weekend. Hope the baseball game was fun - well of course it is.

Well I've gotten the "command" from Sid that I need to get to my assignment on the project :-) He has been designated the boss on this project :-) :-)

Talk to all of you soon.




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