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Flower Child

I had a thrilling day yesterday.

At 8 a.m. I had an appointment with my periodontist to do a bone graft on an upper molar that we are trying to save. I figured it would be no big deal.

Well, judging from the gruesome sounds coming from my mouth for a good hour, he chiseled, pounded, scraped and otherwise pummelled my poor jaw bone. It didn't hurt at the time of course.

Once the effects of the deadening shots began to subside, the pain crept in. NO PROBLEM - I had a prescription for the pain! So, back at work, I popped one. After an hour, my face still hurt. I'm pretty drug tolerant, and the directions said you could take one or two every four to six hours. So I popped another. Much better!

Then Mike came into my office to discuss some jury instructions he wanted me to prepare for his upcoming trial. As I sat and listened, I began to float. Then I broke into a cold sweat and streams started flowing down my face. Then I got nauseated. Then I fell face down onto my desk! Imagine Mike's surprise!!!!

Shortly thereafter I crawled out to our legal assistant's car and she drove me home where I crawled into bed and slept like a baby.

The pain pills are the same kind Noah was taking when he collapsed at Subway and had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance his first year at Seattle U. Apparently, some of us don't learn by example - only by experience.

I am fine now - I took ONE pill this a.m. and am functioning moderately well.


Dee (perhaps not the brightest of Mother's children)


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