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From Kay

Had some minor work done on my house (power washing, painting back of house and trim). Yesterday the head guy called and wanted the balance of his money because the work was done. I told him that someone needed to come out and hang the down spouts back on my rain gutter and then it would be done and I would pay him. He called again this afternoon and left a voicemail message that he was headed to the house to hang them and to collect payment. Somehow even though he contacts me in Seattle it is not registering that that is where my body is and so is my checkbook. Told him that I would check tonight to make sure the work was done and would drop and check in the mail and that he needed to reduce the amount because a new storm door was not hung but just new screws put in.

I will not use them again - not a very together organization.

And yes, I do have a rather snazzy looking 2004 PT Cruiser and it actually goes up hills and I can take it on freeways. Hope it holds together until I can pay it off. Even has heated seats - which I didn't know how to turn off until I got home and - my bottom was rather warm until then. They only gave me $200 for my Previa but then again I would have paid them to take the Previa. Probably not the best car choice I could have made but my heart wanted one really, really bad. Even Tiffany was excited that I got it. A lot closer to the ground than the Previa and I feel like I'm driving a toy car. LOVE IT.


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