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Gray Rainy Philadelphia

Hello Everyone,

Seems like all it does in Philly is rain. We have had a constant stream of cloudy, rainy, gray days. The irony is that the Northwest supposedly has a lot of gray rainy weather. Yet, each time I am there, I don't experience a drop of rain and here rain seems to be a constant occurrence. But I hear the Northwest is getting very hot temperatures. How are you all enjoying that?

The pictures that you put up KC are really nice. It will be so much fun to have puppies around, don't you think? Too bad Nina won't be around, the puppies would be getting lots and lots of attention if she were there. Hmmm... perhaps too much attention.

I know Nina and Alex are enjoying their dog ("storm). Alex has a tendency to "torture" the dog by chasing it with a stick, and other crazy things that a mature little boy does.... But he says he loves the dog so I guess this is demonstration of his affection.

Well I guess by now you all heard that Bopcha, Sid and I received quite an education in

identifying endangered plants and flowers. It's a really good think that nobody is relying on me to remember the names of these plants because the only one I can seem to remember is the lupen plant. Now Bopcha on the other hand is like a walking encyclopedia of plants and flowers. When you wonder through the woods with Bopcha, the names of everything at your feet is identified. It really is impressive. I don't think I have that kind of memory for any body of knowledge anymore.

Oregon was absolutely lovely. The weather was great. The day that Bill and Diana were in town was wonderful weather. The sunshine follows them I guess. We had a fun full day hanging out with them. We went to the OSU bookstore and Diana even let us use her alum discount - good thing because we bought many many items there. We had many things to buy. Nina and Alex actually like wearing shirts with OSU on it. In fact even George requested an OSU shirt. Bill and Diana were so patient in the store as I searched for shirts for what seems like hours. Thanks a million for your patience Bill and Diana!!

Then they took us to the baseball game, and we drove to Albany with the hope of meeting Noah's girlfriend (who was coming into town for a volleyball game), but the timing didn't work. So instead, what did we do in Albany? Well we went to look for jeans for Sid.

Sid has a hard time finding jeans because of his height. Sid has a theory that since the Californians moved into Oregon and they are so much shorter, Oregon is no longer a good place to find pants for tall people. I think he is kidding when he says this???? But how do you all like that as a theory. What would life be if it were not for these amazing revelations right?

If only I could transport a few (and I emphasize a few) things from Philly to Oregon, life would be grand. But I guess it never quite works that way does it? Life would not be as challenging I guess, and then we may loose our stamina to endure it all. But life without challenges would be okay with me for awhile, I am sure you all feel the same way.

Well, I should close for now. If you haven't fallen into a sleepy, drowsy state from reading this e-mail, I wish you all a nice Memorial Day weekend. Sid and I are happy that we have an extra day off, but who isn't glad about that right?




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