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One of the most entertaining days of my life is when I go to repak. I get to meet once again with housewives who also take advantage of repak to get a chance to gossip, prepare delightful dishes in their slow cooking cookers, and of course be eligible for the drawing at the end of the potluck. Few men are around because they are probably employed in the middle of the week, and the ones that do show up, are old, crippled, handicapped, or lazy. They also look forward to the drawings. What will I get today? I will let you know.

The weather here is Oregon weather. Lots of showers, some sunshine, and my, how the weeds love this weather. Judi is really busy, getting her plants to grow, uninterrupted by the threat of weeds taking over.

Sid, have you planted your garden yet?

I am looking forward to ripe strawberries from our patch. There are a lot of green ones! Strawberries, local ones, were at the farmers market. I don't know how they got them to ripen so soon. But then again, the Lebanon Strawberry Festival is taking part this week, so that means LOTS of ripe strawberries.

Well. I had better close and get ready to go to REPAK.

Love, Bopcha


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