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Comments and Story from Tom

I sure like those REPAK gifts you get in exchange for your work Bop--the loppers shound especially handy. I love the idea of Dee and William working up a bit of a sweat in exchange for weekend room and board!!! And the garden growing under Judi's tender loving care? That's so cool although I don't know how the Farmer's Market managed to get strawberries to ripen so early, especially around your area in Oregon.

I thought I'd share Tom's story of the hounds' adventure at the little ranch this morning (this is essentially how Tom wrote the story, I just changed into 3rd person):

Tom reports that a different dog from the pack gets to stay in the main house (upstairs) each night with Ambassador and Tornado. Each morning he releases the upstairs trio into the main pasture for a morning run. This morning was Kazan’s time to go our with Tornado and Ambassador. Tom says that a few minutes after he let them out the other hounds went crazy.

The 3 in the pasture had come across a nicely-sized (Tom believes male since he was alone) coyote in the pasture and were chasing him to the northeast corner. The coyote made it to the fence, went through the little 6x6 inch hole, then to Tom's amazement stopped, turned upon his chasers, and started what Tom called "coyote chatter" at them.

Ambassador was right there in his face, teeth bared and acting like a warrior. Kazan and Tornado on each side of Ambassador were doing the same. Tom was afraid that Tornado was going to go over the fence so he released the others: Kiev, Nitro, and Challenger. They were down there in a flash, but even with all that fire-power the coyote continued to taunt them from the other side of the fence.

Tom got his gun and started down in “little deer” (a little version of Bop's Ranger) and as soon as the coyote saw/heard him, it took off like a bolt to parts unknown. What strange behavior. Tom says he doesn't think the coyote was rapid as he would have attacked. He was just taunting, seeming to know that the fence was protecting him. He was as tall as Tornado and very grey--allmost blending into the background. Tom says he's sure this is the same singleton he'd seen on several occasions crossing the pasture.

Tom concludes "Good exercise and excitement for all."


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