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Life in Philly

Hello everyone,

Well we certainly don't have the exciting dog/coyote tales to tell that Tom and KC have. Wow that must have been amazing and a bit scary to see the coyote "confronting" the dogs. I say scary because a Philadephia person I don't have experience with coyotes and therefore I couldn't tell you the first thing about which behaviors mean what. If the coyote is not running away in a different direction from me, I am worried about what will happen next. What a wimp, huh?

The coyote sounds tall, I did not realize they could be that tall. I was imagining something smaller. Is it uncommon to see them in your area?

Ripe fresh strawberries sounds really nice. You guys are so lucky to have them available already. Strawberries are being sold around here but they just aren't like those nice fresh ones you get from a farmer's market. Have you been eating them? The one fruit I love are cherries, but they are unbelievably expensive around here this year and they don't look so great. I am not even bothering to buy them. Are cherries available now in Oregon, I imagine they are very good.

To answer your question Dee about flying with Sid. Are you thinking that was a good idea, flying on a separate airline? Should be interesting I guess.

But seriously, we tried to fly in the most economical way possible. I had an American Express ticket I could use to fly and then couldn' get a second one on the same airline. So,

we decided to purchase a ticket at a good rate which meant sitting on a different plane.

We will be arriving in Eugene. So at least we get to save some time driving. Since Sid and I are arriving at different times to Eugene, that should be an interesting challenge.

I will need to get back to work since there are so many things to do.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


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