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Weekend Results

Hey Bill - good job!! Bop told me you worked that lopper until she had no more place to stach the slash!! I'll bet it was fun to run. Havng a power assist must be terrific for an otherwise tough job. I was talking to our co-breeder down in Texas yesterday. She just purchased a used logsplitter from a rental shop going out of business. She used to swing an ax and wedge just like you do on occasion. I wouldn't bet that a logsplitter would be one of Bop's REPAK prizes, but one can hope!! You'd be leaping for joy I expect although as a photographer, I'd be sorry to lose the photo op you provide me.

Wasn't Big Brown's run at the Belmont a disappointment? I couldn't bear to listen to the rehash on TV, so I turned it off and went shopping for dog treats instead. Comet and Charger deserved treats because those little guys turned on the afterburners for each other during Saturday's straight race next door in Iowa.

Did I tell you that it appears that Kazan's mate Laika is indeed pregnant? We expect baby Kazans and baby Laikas to enter the world on 8 July 2008. We are taking a puppy instead of a stud fee because we think the puppies will be dynamite in the show ring and in the field. We will know in a week if Carmen and Nitro are expecting. Melilssa says Carmen is acting her normal self, so I'm a little nervous whether she's PG or not. We're taking one of those puppies too. Ambassador will be a granddaddy--if she's pregnant. I'm nervous.

Charger in blue beating Comet and the competition to the lure on Saturday. The little boy, already a straight racing champion, add a point toward superior champion.

Here's Charger looking surprised because Comet (not shown) beat him to the lure on the 3rd on final heat. Charger still won the day on Saturday, but that doesn't mean he didn't have to work hard!!

Is that enough dog news for you all? Greeting from the Zoiboyz to little Storm, Nina and Alex's little rough collie. I'll bet he's growning up FAST!!

Love to all, KC


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