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Racing vs Iowa Flood of 2008

Well - here I am, back in the little house. I was supposed to be putting racing silks on Comet and Charger near Chicago right now. Unfortunately, between Chicago and me lies the big state of Iowa. It seems the storms of the past few days that had put me into the basement of my landlord with a tornado within hearing distance, also dumped huge amounts of water on Iowa. So...when I blithely loaded the hounds in the van yesterday for Chicago this is what I found.....

I got all the way to Des Moines before I began to notice that there was a LOT of water around.

This appears that is used to be a city park. It will be awhile before anyone will be running bases under the lights!!

I managed to snap the cars that the dealer managed to save--unfortunately I didn't capture the ones that he wasn't quick enough to put onto higher ground. Those cars only had the tops showing. Great picture but I missed it.

I figured I'd better get some gas since I figured I might end up on a detour someplace--unfortunately, I STILL hadn't quite grasped the full dimention of Iowa's situation. I was focused on racing. If the situation wasn't so picturesque, I'm not sure I would have noticed anything unusual.

No matter how I tried, I could not find a bridge that was above the Iowa river. I simply could not get across and finally had to go all the way back home--nearly 500 miles and 9 hours on the road for nothing. I did get to experience Iowa's Flood of 2008, a 500 year flood according to the news reports I belatedly listened to.


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