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The Parson Plan

Hello Everyone,

The Parsons have finally pinned down a time schedule for their visit. The whole family will arrive on Tuesday, August 5 at Noon. They will depart one week later on August 12, again leaving at Noon or earlier, which is the same day Sid and I leave. As far as I know they will not be bringing any special guests like Nina's bunny, frog or birds. Well, one must think take these things into consideration when you are dealing with the Parsons family. I am just kidding of course. I think the only guest will be Nina's special doll Nellie. Thank goodness right?

How about the daily journal Diana and Bill are providing of their daily activities in Mexico - kind of nice, right? I really enjoy hearing about what is going on in what could be considered "another world." Diana's account of the animals they are seeing is really well done. The latest report says they saw pelicans. I've never seen real live pelicans but would love to. I think I would really enjoy seeing the exotic birds of any new territory. There are so many different types and what I love is the vivid colors that birds come in.

It's so amazing.

KC, with your photographic talents, have you tried taking shots of birds (especially unusual ones). That would be difficult to do but I am sure if you could get some good photos, they would be very popular, or even in demand.

Anyway, I guess I should get back to finishing up some of my work before I close up shop for the evening.

Hope everyone is well. By the way, I've been enjoying Tory's e-mails/responses to Diana. She is funny and says interesting things. Wish she would post on the blog, it would be fun to read her entries.

Bye for now,



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