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Happy Fourth of July!

Bill and I are spending the Fourth in Corvallis. We are leaving sometime this afternoon. We had thunderstorms and heavy showers last night and this morning. Buster hid under Noah's bed.

Jessica texted us yesterday and told us she and her friends had an amazing three course breakfast feast at Brennens in New Orleans. Yummmmm....

Noah joined a new recreational basketball team. He loved the guys on his old team, but said he did not pay $70 to watch his buddy shoot wild shots and be the only guy on the team who cared about winning. That team was a combo of ex-MI varsity basketball players and some non varsity basketball players.

His new team is made up of all MI varsity starters (except for one - who played but was not a starter). Gavin is the oldest, 6'5" and an excellent outside shooter (played for four years at Pomona College), then comes Charlie (did not play in college and, although he is probably one of the two weakest players, he is all hustle and a good athlete and manages to rebound quite well, despite only being 6' 4"), then Braydon at 6'10" (played 4 years at American and will be playing in Japan this fall), then Noah, then LeRoy at 6'3' (just graduated from MI high - the star of the high school team last year, will be playing at the U of Hawaii this fall); and Evan at 6'1" playing point (a solid starter on the high school team last year, will be playing at Pomona college this fall). The final guy was not there last night, but he is in college, not playing bb. He is a fine athlete, but a so-so bb player. Lots of potential, but it never really materialized.

To make a long story short, we watched their game last night and it was too too much fun! We won by about 20 points.




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