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The meeting re: the homeless encampment went well. Having prayer first, and reminders that we are there to listen to one another in a holy place really put a guilt trip on those who wanted to tear our heads off for hosting the homeless.

PLUS, even better, Noah's game wasn't until 9:30 so we got to go!!!! We won by 20 points. The other team was very physical. They knocked Noah down about 4 times. One time he made a basket while he was falling to the floor! Those early ballet lessons really paid off! Or was it the hot yoga session Haley made him go to that morning?

Tom, Gavin's dad Rusty is having his left knee replaced on August 6. I was trying to tell him that you recovered well from yours, but sadly I couldn't remember all of the grusome details. Just what was your procedure again?

Oh yeah, the day after the homeless meeting, a citizens group sued the City, our church, and the organization behind the encampment. They seek to enjoin the camp from coming to our church. It's First Amendment Freedom of Religion versus these citizens. Personally, I am really glad for the lawsuit. I think that is the appropriate forum for such disputes. Much better than the nasty emails and flyers.

I haven't seen JB much. She went back to work immediately and so we won't get to celebrate her birthday until Sunday night. I had to get her work schedule from Gavin when I saw him at the game Wednesday night. She left some gifts for us on the kitchen counter. I got a Beaver necklace (from New Orleans no less!). She also gave us a box of Pralines. Yum!




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