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Summer Fun

Hello Everyone,

We are really feeling the summer heat on this side of the world. We've had a really humid hot weekend. As you know I exercise no matter what the weather is like. This morning I did my usual Sunday cycling ride. The sweat was dripping off of me and I thought I would have Sid join me in the torment that we subject ourselves to when we exercise.

Sid is not really into exercising, luckily he does have to walk to work, which is a pretty good distance. So on the weekends since he doesn't have to walk anywhere, I figured he might enjoy the added bonus of walking to nowhere in particular. :-) I lured poor Sid into walking with me along the river on a hot humid Sunday afternoon. We ended up walking for two hours. City walks are so different than nice peaceful trail walks, but still very entertaining. The reward for Sid was walking to the bookstore when we were finished with our "exercise walking." When you are walking anywhere with Sid, it is likely that you will end up at a bookstore. Sid wanted to look for some Database/Programming books, you know the really interesting stuff. He has been hard at work, trying to program and set up a site to launch some new ideas he has. It is all pretty neat stuff but I am completely lost when he starts talking about the intricacies of the program set up. He might as well be speaking a foreign language. So as far as me explaining much more than what I have already said, I am rather useless. I guess some day I will learn it all. Well on second thought..........

We are looking forward to our next trip to Orgeon. Traveling all the way across the country is always so overwhelming, but always so nice and worth the travel saga once you get there. By the way, I really liked Judy's invitation, they were really neat. "Partying by the bridge" sounds so cool doesn't it? Where else or who else gets to party by the bridge, right?

Diana, I love your photos of the blue jays socializing with their neighbors. Either they are really desperate for food or they are not as threatened by us as we sometimes assume they are. If Nina finds out that you can get a bluejay to eat right out of your hand, she will be completely enthralled and want to spend hours doing that. Don't know if she will have that special touch with the blue jay but she certainly has it with all her animals. Her conure, which can be a fierce little bird, is really sweet to Nina and no one else. She can hold, kiss the bird etc... and the bird is just so angelic with her ONLY. Everyone else has to look out! I would not want to try holding that crazy bird. Although, when Sid and I were babysitting the conure, she got attached to Sid and seemed quite content hanging out with him. That all changed of course when the bird figured out we were returning her to her home.

Anyway, I really need to get back to work. The piles are sitting here at my desk just waiting to be taken care of, I want to scream right now with all this work just sitting here. We will see you all very soon.

Take care.




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