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Intrepid Traveller Writes Again

From: "Diana V Thompson"

Sent: Wednesday, October 1, 2008 11:04:56 AM GMT -07:00 US/Canada Mountain

Subject: Arrived in Hallstatt

Hez F&F!!

I am writing from Hallstatt, a little Alpen berg I picked from mz guidebook on looks alone. It does not disappoint and I am installed at this terminal drinking a lovelz Austrian red house wine and tzping to the tunes of America big band in the most pastel-colored half-timbered town zou can imagine. Exquisite.

This morning I ran short of time and did not make it to the Music museum. Instead I ducked into the Karlplaty Cathedral near mz hotel, where thez are doing extensive updates and repairs. I took a construction elevator up the scaffolding into the dome of the cathedral itself, and then from there, up a friggin serious staircase through the top of the dome and onto a platform on the roof of the cathedral. Seeing the ceiling frescoes up close, which zou normallz would onlz see from however manz stories below -- that point of view was breathtaking. However, I confess mz thoughts were not among the purest: I seriouslz contemplated harm to the hundredth Viennese schoolchild who thought it was super-cool to jump up and down on the ricketz scaffolding to make it swaz and watch me freak out. The little stinkers are probablz still chortling into their schoolbooks about me...!

I caught the train to Hallstatt and regained mz senses while we ascended into the mountaints. Todaz has been all about the heights. I snapped some crayz cool pics, and met the sweetest (read gorgeous) Cyech guz studzing law in mz train compartment... we exchanged compliments but he had a headcold like tzphoid Marz, and I simplz grinned at him alot across the waz while trzing to remember where I had stashed mz antibiotic hand cream.

Thank zou all for zour notes, and mom for pasting to the blog for me. Time is monez on this internet connection!! Murraz & Nikole, kisses to mz sweet little guz, Gobi.

Love zou all



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