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The Coyotes Appear Again

We had a bit of excitement here last night with a return visit of the coyotes around 8 pm with the puppies still outside in their paddock. I heard Kazan and Kiev bolt out from the basement, growling at the ring gate, and then just as my eyes were adjusting to the dark, I saw Kazan squeeze through the gate and disappear. I'll bet those were some amazed coyotes!! They seem to know that dogs can't get out of their enclosures--joke was on them, this time. I raced downstairs, threw the surprised puppies into their night crate, and raced over to the gate to open it for Kiev. Away he dashed after Kazan. I followed him on foot, listening for sounds of battle. Tom meanwhile, with flash and gun, got Little Deer, picked me up, and we zoomed to the foot of the pasture, looking for eyes. After a while, we located Kiev and Kazan, both OK. Don't know if Kazan was able to put a tooth on any of the invaders, they were probably already in full flight when they saw him beginning to squeeze through the crack between the gate and the gate post. Tom and I have concluded the coyotes absolutely want to kill the puppies; there's no other reason for them to begin hanging by the moat. It seems that daddy Kazan and uncle Kiev are equally if not more determined that the coyotes will be the puppies' dinner instead. It's pretty nerveracking, to tell the truth.


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