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Adventures Abound

Hello everyone,

There really are lots of adventures reported on the blog. Wow, that's great for Tory that she is back in Europe. I didn't even know she was going to be traveling this Fall. Sounds like she is really enjoying the sights. It's funny to read her e-mail with the letters switched around. It gets confusing I must admit.

KC, isn't the "processing" fun. I figured the only other organization (outside of Universitys) that did as much processing is the government. Hopefully, the space they find for you will be a likeable one. There are also constantly space issues around here at the University. They have moved my office almost every year for about three years now. Soon, they will be setting up a coffee vendor/stand right outside my office. Isn't that great. That should provide for a lot of peace and quiet. They will set up chairs and tables and sell coffee until 2pm right outside my door. In order to console my fears of having too much commotion outside my office door, they have offered to give me coffee everyday. Isn't it crazy the way people do business?

The coyote story is really fascinating and I can see how it would be nerve wrenching. I guess the pups is luring them back. I can't imagine how you keep coyotes away, perhaps there is some trick. Although if there were you would probably know something about it.

How is everyone enjoying world events. This truly feels like history in the making doesn't it. At least, current events are not dull. Sid and I are looking forward to watching the debate tonight. Will you all be listening in?


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