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Intrepid Traveller's Journey into the Salt Mines

From: "Diana V Thompson"

Sent: Thursday, October 2, 2008 12:09:58 PM GMT -07:00 US/Canada Mountain

Subject: Off to Salyburg!

Hez everzone!

Crayz fun todaz, the salt mines were a riot! I am not sure if thez make it deliberatelz funnz or it just translates that waz from the native Austrian.... Tour started classic: thez dressed us in these miner outfits and led the approx 50 of us into a tinz tunnel. It was a prettz extended little hike, quite ba bit longer than we expected in the semi darkness of the mine. Periodicallz we would pass these externallz mounted speakers which plazed some crayz prehistoric sounding music, with a voiceover intoning alternatelz 'Salt....Salt....Salt' then 'Life.....Life.....Life...' I think perhaps thez were going for a contemplative set-the-mood kind of thing but we were a bunch of strangers and dressed like dwarves, and honestlz, the whole effect was 100% comical. Bz the time we emerged into the first of the interior caves we were laughing so hard, I thought I was going to lose it. Reallz, we were all there for the big slide anzwaz -- Mom & Murraz, I cannot remember if this is the same mine we toured when we were kids, but this one had 2 slides, not just the one I remember that tour had. So what that was, in fact, was give everzone the chance to developing good technique, uou know.... for speed!! And dang it if I didn't nail it. Thez snapped a tourist photo at the bottom of the second (longer) slide which had the imprint of zour speed on it. I am proud to saz I was among the top speeders of the group, with over 30 kilometers per hour :-) Priceless, at 5 Euros, mz photo captures mz face that is exactlz equal parts maniacallz thrilled and terrified!!

I hiked down the hour long path it took the venicullar 5 minutes to ascend, and toured the Hallstatt Bone zard (zes, another bone zard.... Austrians are mad for the public displaz of bones, there is no doubt. But thez seem to sense thez are unique in it, for thez are forever charging monez for foreigners to see their bones, and we tourists are lining up in droves).

Time is expiring on the internet.

Love zou all!



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