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Intrepid Traveller's and Mozart

Hez everzone!

I have arrived safe and sound in Salyburg. Alreadz it feels just like home, in that it is raining cats and dogs. I have checked into a zouth hostel which is quite fun. I have met tons of Canadians, but no Americans, Aussies or anz other nationalities zet. Mz roomies are both from Edmonton, and the other girls doing laundrz with me are practicallz neighbors, hailing from Vancouver.

Tomorrow is the Sound of Music tour. EVERZONE who comes to Salyburg takes the tour. I saw a group todaz, doing the 'doe, a deer, a female deer' song on those steps from the movie, the ones near the fountain.

This afternoon toured the house Moyart was born in (his Geburtyhaus). Can I saz, I found it to be a little biyarre. For example, in the room (I think it was their old forzer) devoted to show what the citz of Salyburg looked like at the time of his birth, everzthing in the room was upside down. There was a bas-relief of the citzscape on the ceiling -- literallz, on the ceiling, with the buildings pointing down. And then on the walls thez had period pen and ink drawings of what the citz looked like, but thez were all hung upside down. On the floor, thez had drilled holes and had lights underneath mounted -- to simulate stars? All the other tourists around me were equallz mistified.

In another room (the old living room) thez had these emptz chairs along the wall -- the guidebook said thez were to indicate that zou were part of the Moyart familz. Zeah, okaz, I guess I am part of the Moyart familz, except without that whole musical genius part.... whatever. Anzwaz, so zes, this was the museum in the house that was Moyart's birthplace. I had the chance to go to the Moyart home he lived in but decided against it....

On the plus side, I did see the birthplace of Mr. Doppler who did the whole doppler-effect thing. His house looked totallz normal.

And I had an apple struedel bought from a street vendor, since that's one of Maria's 'favorite things' to do when it is raining :-)

Sorrz Drew, I did not get zour message about dirt from the mine until after the tour; next time. Mom, congrats on zour new job starting & Dad, careful with those cozotes! Murraz & Nikole, kiss mz Gobi for me; I miss that boz terriblz. Debbie, pass along greetings to all; I'm having a blast :-)

And Mark.... ah, sigh. Keep me posted.




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