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Blog Reading Fun

Hey Sandra - I think you and I are on Bop's blog at the same time!! What do they say about great minds thinking alike? Sounds like you and me!

I watched the VP debate--I usually hate to do that for fear of my favorite being squashed, but Sarah Palin was such a delight, I just couldn't resist. After listening to her, I get a big smile on my face and feel absolutely charged up, like I'd been plugged into an electrical current. What a remarkable effect she has on folks (well, some folks anyway).

No coyotes visited last night either, although we could hear them at our ranch hand's house, at our neighbor's house, and elsewhere. I don't think they trust our gates will keep the borzoi inside anymore--tee hee. Best thing that ever happened was Kazan squeezing through that gate. One of the coyotes sings at an extremely high pitch--very distinctive. We're beginning to learn some of their voices, as you can tell.

Tory's adventures in Europe are so much fun to read about. She's really an excellent story teller I think.

Excellent news about Alex and little Storm. Dogs are great teachers for kids. Their impact upon our lives can last decades beyond the animal itself. I still remember Nicky--she provided each of us kids something special and unique. For me, she happily played my surrogate horse, allowing me to fashion harnesses for her. Sid, Kay, Judi, and Dee will have different memories, as will Bop. Cats are special too of course, and have their own special impact on our lives as well. Speaking of cats and dogs, I have some puppies that need some on-line training, adults that need nails trimmed, injured toes that need tending, KC's Snaps pictures to process from last weekend's performance (2000 pictures!!), housework, Aramis' photo book to build, and 8 hounds and 2 puppies that need petting and loving. I love Saturdays!!


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