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Travelling Tory in Zurich Switzerland

From: "Diana V Thompson"

Sent: Monday, October 6, 2008 1:02:35 PM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central

Subject: Yurich at last

Hez everzone!

I am tzping fast because in this town everzthing costs a premium and I am on the clock (little bit of a swiss joke, there-- tee hee hee) I had a wonderful morning in Innsbruck, toured this bell foundarz which was founded in 1600 something. Thez let me ring the actual bells and everzthing. It was so friggin cool. And the foundarz is still in operation! So if zou know of anz Quayimotos who need bells for their cathedrals, be sure to let them know so I can pass along the recommendation ;-)

Ingloriouslz, however, I boarded the train to Swityerland bz falling into it, mz luggage dragging behind. Verz embarassing. Then I ate mz roll and got crumbs all over. Then I ate an orange and made the entire car smell like orange peel. I think everzone was reallz happz when we arrived. I was prettz dismazed at mz first sight of Yurich -- this is a serious town, and a big one. I sought out a tourist info desk for guidance on the friggin "fullz integrated" citz bus / tram / Ubahn / citz train szstem. The price list alone is an entire page. But the ladz at the info desk refused to tell me which bus/tram/etc, insisting it was walking distance (zeah, like over half a mile!). So I walked the entire waz, luggage in tow. It was cobblestones, and I made a terrible racket. Ah, sigh. I am born to stand out.

The zouth hostel (right in the middle of old town) has its reception on the third floor -- and mz room is on the 4th -- and I am in the top bunk, a few inches from the ceiling. Tourism is a serious workout :-)

Once safelz installed in the Backpacker Hostel, I have slowed down and spent wonderful hour wandering around and listening with new appreciation to the church bells chiming. But now I am famished so I am off to find a place that serves an affordable glass of wine for a wonderful cap to the daz! I am in Yurich for tomorrow night as well.

Love T


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