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Puppy News and Anticipation

Our pick puppy from Kazan and Laika, Monte Carlo, is growing quickly along with his brother, Tulane. Tulane will be with us until late winter. Jazz, our pick puppy from Ambassador's son Nitro and Carmen is about 10 days junior to Monte Carlo and still with his mama and sibs, but he'll be joining the pack as soon as he can handle play with the older puppies without getting squashed. And then today or tomorrow will come Sara's puppies from Kazan, Ambassador, or...hope, hope...both!! Our co-breeder, Sherita, has a picture of Sara on her blog. Sara looks like an overstuffed sausage, to put it mildly. Sherita is running a "puppy pool" for people to guess when they'll be born, the number of girls and boys, and how many from each sire--and even the colors. I thought they'd be born last night so I'm already out of the running for that part. I guessed 3 boys and 4 girls. Tom guessed 4 boys and 4 girls whelped at 7 am. Looks as though he won't win the pool either. Here's Sherita's blog:

As co-breeder's of Sara's puppies, half of them will be Zoiboyz. We'll be looking for good homes for all but 1 or 2 of them, so if you know of folks that would like to experience an adoring borzoi puppy, let us know!! Sending with love.


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