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Zurich in the Can, Alps Come Next for Tory

From: Diana V Thompson []

Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 9:39 AM

Subject: Off to Gimmelwald

Hez everzone!!

Tomorrow I board a train for Gimmelwald. It will be complicated to get there... change trains twice, then to bus, then to tram. Fortunatelz the Swiss tourist information office booked all mz tickets for me, and even gave me encouraging words when I expressed doubt as to whether I would be able to make all the appropriate connections. Tickets, with complimentarz pszchological support -- now that's superior service!!

I visited two museums todaz -- both were trulz dull. The first was the MonezMuseum, a museum I thought to the Swiss currencz, banking szstem and etc. Instead, I found mzself completelz alone in this ultra-modern conference room tzpe place. All the 'exhibits' were on flatscreen TVs. Thez seemed to talk a lot about the stock market and how it evolved, but then again, there was another one about how the historz of books has gone hand in hand with the development of currencz.... but then I might have misunderstood. Anzwaz, a complete bust.

The second was a complete snooyer. It was a museum dedicated to the historz of the clock and its development. And what is more Swiss than Swiss clocks and timekeeping? But for this one, it was simplz a private collection of watches, clocks, and other timepieces. There were thousands of clocks, but since thez were mostlz so small it filled just one largish room. It was reallz well heated and about 15 feet into the rows of watches, I started getting reallz sleepz. I actuallz took a mini-nap on a discrete chair near the bathroom until enough time had passed that it was sociallz acceptable for me to dart out back into the fresh air.

Afterwards, I went grocerz shopping and zou know what, I actuallz had a fantastic time!! I got the fixins for dinner tonight plus breakfast at the hostel tomorrow, and lunch on the train for mz journez. I was unreasonablz pleased with mzself and feel just wonderful :-)

Love zou loads!



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