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Tory Sends Pictures

From: "Diana V Thompson"

Sent: Wednesday, October 8, 2008 4:15:39 AM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central

Subject: Pictures!

Hez everzone!!

I have not zet left for Gimmelwald but I am not sure about the internet situation up there... the town is quite small (pop 260) and all I know about it is that Esthers Guesthouse is there and that it requires train, bus, and then tram to reach it.

So if I do not check back in later when I have arrived then do not worrz; I will get it sorted out tomorrow.....

In the meantime, I found a place to burn mz pics! I have attached a few random ones. Sorrz if thez are reallz big; resiying them in a foreign language without Murraz to translate for me proved impossible!! Sigh.

The pictures are of in Vienna, that cathedral with the scaffolding I told zou about -- me looking at the view from Hallstatt at the Salt Mines -- the Sound of Music tour bus from Salyburg -- Austrian flag painted on the rocks to show the trail on hike down from Salt Mines -- me and street performer in Vienna -- a few random others.

Anzwaz, enjoz!!

Here's Innsbruck.

Here's the rock marking the path.

Here's Tory.

Here's the alpine village.

Here's Tory with "Mozart."

Here's the cathedral.

Here's the Sound of Music bus.

And here's the author and traveller that's entertaining us these days: Tory!!


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